Land Conversion status can be checked through Karnataka Land Record Department, anyone can check their land record details online through but if someone wants to check their land records through affidavit, it is possible now.
How to check affidavit based land conversion report
- If you want to check affidavit based land conversion record then you have to visit official website of land conversion karnataka which is and visit the link
- once you open the link you have multiples option s such as Pendency With RD User, Pendency With Other Departments, Pendency Report with Request ID, Pendency of UPOR Requests, Disposed Requests
- select anyone of them
- after selecting the above options, if you enter your credentials correctly
- then as a result you find your land records as displayed in image below
- here you can see in the image below that ‘ Export to Excel; option is available
- anyone can export this in a Excel sheet format
- also you can search here your village